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Home Design: Considerations To Make When Building On A Narrow Lot

Total Package Construction • August 11, 2022

Narrow or small lots are becoming more and more common with the rising prices of property and increase in subdivisions. In Australia, a small lot is defined as one that measures less than 15 metres in width and/or has an area less than 450m² (or less than 600m² if it's a rear lot), while a narrow lot has a frontage measuring between 8.5 and 12.5 metres. If you plan on building a home in an inner-city location or exclusive suburb, you'll likely be building on a narrow lot. There are important things to consider when building on such a property, and we've put together this handy guide to help.

Make Your Space Work For You

While larger homes might have a room for every need, if you have a small or narrow lot you have less space to work with. We recommend ensuring the different areas of your home serve various functions. Stock each room with plenty of storage solutions - and not just in the standard wall-to-wall options. Spaces beneath tables, stairwells and furniture can even serve as extra storage areas, maximising the usefulness of your home.

Convey Spaciousness

If you can, build your home with ceilings at least 2.7 metres high. This will really give you a great sense of space. Choosing light, neutral colours will improve your sense of spaciousness, while orienting your home to have your living space face north will encourage streams of natural light and help your home feel more inviting and expansive. At the same time, make sure areas that receive a lot of sunlight are also equipped with shade protection to keep your home cool during the warmer months.

Connect Indoors And Outdoors

With a narrow lot, you often need to be more creative when it comes to merging indoor and outdoor access. Why not transform your accessway into an eye-catching feature, or decorate your boundary wall or fence with a versatile vertical garden or lush, green creepers for even more privacy? Low-maintenance plants are a great asset to an outdoor space and can give you the feeling of being immersed in nature, while also allowing you to enjoy an added sense of space from inside your home. 

Contact Us Today

If you're considering building a new home on a narrow lot, contact Total Package Construction. We proudly serve valued clients throughout Maryborough and surrounding areas with affordable construction and renovation services, shade solutions, land packages, turn-key options and more. Don't hesitate to give us a call today on 0400 155 017.

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